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Find balance for your mind and body

We all face the fallout of stress in our day to day lives...

With all the chaos of work, family, and social commitments, it gets harder and harder to make time to give our bodies the care they deserve.

With age, harder to lose the “stubborn” (subcutaneous) fat, especially in areas including the stomach, hips, buttocks, breasts, thighs, arms, and chin.


Excess fat means increased risk for cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

We can help address these challenges! Bodies change, “do overs” are possible with our innovative technique:

  • No operating room

  • No general anesthesia

  • Suture-less technique

  • All at a lower cost!

​Here at Health and Harmony, we bring you a technique that avoids cutting, tearing and general anesthesia. Instead, we use high frequency vibrations to dissolve fat, and suction to remove it.


One session can remove up to 5 liters of fat in those stubborn, hard to reach areas. Each session results in a visible reduction in inches within days, and following recommended massage and postoperative protocols result in consistent reduction in sizes within 3-6 weeks. All with the added benefit of improving your overall physical health!

As we get older, we long to return to the days when we had lean, young physiques. Our safe body sculpting technique allows you to pick and choose the body parts you want to work on.  With this technique, you transfer your own fat to other areas of your body in a closed system loop and thereby reduce risk of infection or reaction, all while instantly creating a new body shape of your choice or design.


Whether you want to finally address those stubborn pockets of fat or improve your medical outcomes or just want to look the way you feel, we are here to help you achieve that goal.

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